Read inspiring stories from those that have benefited from Platform for Life. This page shares personal experiences and testimonials, highlighting the positive impact of our services on mental health and family well-being.
Welcome to this special place, where families and individuals who have been supported by Platform For Life have chosen to share their stories with us and you. In sharing their stories, they hope to…
- Encourage other families and individuals to ask for support and help when they need it
- Share their experiences of the support they have received from Platform For Life, and the impact this support has had on their life
- Raise awareness of the support provided by Platform For Life, so that all those who are eligible for our support can refer themselves or be referred to us by a professional, or parent, for support, when they need it
Recognising and accepting you, your family, or someone you care about is struggling, is the first big step. The second big step is accepting that you need additional help and support to make the positive change you want in your life. We know these steps aren’t easy, but we hope that by reading these stories you will discover that you aren’t alone, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Just remember…
- It’s ok to say you’re not ok…. everyone is not ok sometimes
- It’s ok to ask for help when you need it…. everyone needs help sometimes
- It’s ok to accept support…. you are worth it!