Our Impact

Vision and values

Our Impact

Bespoke counselling sessions which are not time constricted. Easy referral process. Easy to liaise with staff. No limiting criteria and having to meet a threshold. An agency which will support the whole family and provide wrap around care.

Our Impact

We give clients the time and space they need to process and heal from their traumas and experiences.

We know from client feedback that for some, therapy is literally lifesaving. It also leads many clients to feel more empowered and able to make specific longer-term changes in their lives.

To find out more about our impact, you can download a copy of our latest social impact report.

Strengthening or re-building relationships with family, friends and peers.

Applying for work for the first time or after an absence.

Pursuing opportunities to volunteer.

Having the confidence to seek increased responsibility or promotion at work.

Making lifestyle changes, including taking up exercise and eating more healthily.

Accessing school or college when this has previously been difficult or not possible at all.

Making successful transitions from the nurturing environment of primary school to high school where more independence is required.

Breaking free from abusive and negative relationships. Stopping destructive and risky behaviours, including self-harm.

Pursuing new hobbies and interests.


If you need urgent help or support outside of our working hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm), don’t struggle alone, please see the list of numbers below:

NHS – 111 or 999 – 24/7

Samaritans – 116 123 or 01244 377 999 –  24/7

CALM – 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm – midnight

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK – 0800 689 5652 – 24/7

Cafe71 – 01244 393 139 – 10am – 10pm

CWP Healthwatch / MyMind (CYP) – 0800 145 6485 – 24/7

SHOUT (text service) – 85258 – 24/7

SANEline – 0300 304 7000 – 4pm – 10pm

The Martin Gallier Project Chester – 0151 644 0294 – Weekdays 9:30 – 4pm

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