Our Supporters

Our Supports

Our Supporters

I cannot put into words how truly grateful we are for the time, patience and kindness they have shown my child. My child struggles to make relationships with people away from their comfort zone but from the offset I knew they were comfortable working alongside their therapist. The sessions have been amazing.

Our Supports

Welcome to our wonderful supporters’ page, where we recognise, and show our gratitude to as many of the incredible charitable foundations, grant givers, trusts, businesses, groups, teams and individuals who choose to support Platform For Life and help to enable the work we do.

Charitable Foundations, Grant Givers and Trusts

On our Home page and below we proudly display the logos of all the incredible charitable foundations, grant givers and trusts who have selected Platform For Life as a charity to support, through their grants and donations. We would like to thank all of them for their considerable support and belief each year.

Businesses, Groups, Teams and Individuals

Our business, group, team and individual supporters generously help us in so many ways, including through financial support with donations and some slightly crazy and hair-raising fundraising activities, through giving their time, donating skills and knowledge, and also raising our profile as a charity through sharing our social media and talking about the work we do, either directly, or through their own online platforms. We do our best to recognise as many of our supporters as we possibly can here, whilst sending a huge thank you to each and every one of you for your support!

Our Funders


If you need urgent help or support outside of our working hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm), don’t struggle alone, please see the list of numbers below:

NHS – 111 or 999 – 24/7

Samaritans – 116 123 or 01244 377 999 –  24/7

CALM – 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm – midnight

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK – 0800 689 5652 – 24/7

Cafe71 – 01244 393 139 – 10am – 10pm

CWP Healthwatch / MyMind (CYP) – 0800 145 6485 – 24/7

SHOUT (text service) – 85258 – 24/7

SANEline – 0300 304 7000 – 4pm – 10pm

The Martin Gallier Project Chester – 0151 644 0294 – Weekdays 9:30 – 4pm

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