Our Vision & Values

Our Impact

Our Vision & Values

Platform for life work with a variety of needs and without the service, there would be a huge gap in the mental health support we can offer in school. The counsellors are great and work within school very well.

Vision and values

Good mental health is literally ‘a platform for life’. Without good mental health, people often struggle to make the most of opportunities, relationships, education, work, physical health and parenting. All these key areas of life, and many more, can become, or at least feel, difficult or impossible.

Our Vision

Our vision is to stop the cycle of poor mental health being passed down from one generation to the next. Through early intervention, our aim is to prevent poor mental health from becoming a life-long disability.

Our aspiration is to extend our service to other areas of high need across Chester and beyond, providing a well evidenced ‘model of best practice and impact’, that can be picked up and applied elsewhere in the UK.

Through our Family Support Workers, we also want to provide more holistic support, addressing wider, practical needs, and through effective, individualised guidance, signposting, and advocacy services also provide warm introductions to other local services. As well as reducing some of the stressors in life, this also often enables better engagement in therapy.

Our Values

We strive to be:

  • Person-centred: recognising that every individual is both different and important. We won’t impose rigid systems or inflexible rules on our clients, those who work with us, or those who work for us. We always aim to respond flexibly.
  • Trauma-informed: working with clients with a trauma-informed perspective, always considering the complex impact trauma has on an individual's mental well-being and their ability to cope.
  • Trusted: seeking to maintain the highest ethical standards in how we treat people and adhering to the Ethical Framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
  • Empathic: always seeking to enter the world of clients, staff and partners, understanding what it’s like to walk in their shoes, so that we can truly connect.
  • A learning organisation: our work is challenging, and we are continually learning about how to improve everything we do, to ensure that we always provide our services to the highest standard.
  • Collaborative: we know that we only have part of the picture. Collaborative working with referrers and other agencies is important to us, to ensure we are delivering the best outcomes for families and communities.


If you need urgent help or support outside of our working hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm), don’t struggle alone, please see the list of numbers below:

NHS – 111 or 999 – 24/7

Samaritans – 116 123 or 01244 377 999 –  24/7

CALM – 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm – midnight

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK – 0800 689 5652 – 24/7

Cafe71 – 01244 393 139 – 10am – 10pm

CWP Healthwatch / MyMind (CYP) – 0800 145 6485 – 24/7

SHOUT (text service) – 85258 – 24/7

SANEline – 0300 304 7000 – 4pm – 10pm

The Martin Gallier Project Chester – 0151 644 0294 – Weekdays 9:30 – 4pm

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